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Improving Your Product Management Using the Right OKRs

Updated: March 7, 2022

In a competitive landscape where businesses left and right strive to boost their operational efficiency to stand out from the crowd, your organisation needs to adopt strategies designed to pave the way for your continuous improvement.



Part of the cornerstones that can propel your business ahead of the game involves analyzing your performance using relevant metrics, but it’s a collaborative effort that requires a streamlined approach. With that in mind, setting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is an effective goal-setting tool that can take your product management team’s productivity to the next level.


What is OKR, and How Can it Change Your Product Management Strategy?

When your team sets clearly defined OKRs, you can streamline your growth since it allows you to track your progress, identify whether your efforts align with your bottom line, and ensure your team can dedicate their attention to reaching ambitious goals following a standardized, measurable, plus repeatable format.

An OKR framework can make it easier to spot areas that need improvement, focus on sectors generating the most ROI, and quantify your progress according to your set objectives, giving your organisation a more solid mission statement to refer to moving forward. When done right, an OKR can provide the following benefits to your company:

  • Ensure your teams are aligned with your company goals;
  • Eliminate inefficiencies in your operations and boost productivity;
  • Promote transparency and keep your team accountable for their actions or decisions;
  • Help you stay on top of your progress;
  • Sets a clear direction that pushes your team towards your objectives;
  • Make it easier to understand your objectives;

But how exactly can you make an effective OKR?


The Key Characteristics of a Successful OKR for Your Product Management

OKRs are made to create a clear path that leads your team to your goals, and the better the definition and metrics included in your OKR, the faster you can reach your bottom line with little-to-no bumps in the road.

An OKR can be confusing and derail your team from your mission statement if it has too many objectives that take the focus away from your overall plan. OKRs should also be written in a way that is easy to understand with concise and clearly defined terms that your team can follow. In that regard, every effective OKR should have the following key characteristics:

  • Inspirational and Qualitative – the ideal OKR should motivate your team;
  • Specified Timeframe – an effective OKR should keep your team focused by setting an achievable and realistic timeframe;
  • High Impact – a successful OKR should set objectives that challenge your team enough to increase their sense of fulfillment and excitement for their roles but must still be achievable.


The Bottom Line: The Role of Crafting the Right OKR that Helps Your Product Management Team Take Charge of Their Productivity and Progress

The right OKR can transform your product management strategy in more ways than one since it employs SMART methodologies that ensure your team spends their resources efficiently, allowing your business to move forward with greater purpose.


How can SKILLFIRE Help Grow Your Business?

Helping your team develop a wide range of skills is the key to reaching your objectives and driving key results for your bottom line. It’s all about honing your leadership capability and increasing effectiveness in your strategy, so your team can maximize their productivity and strive for organisational alignment with the help of our trainings and services like OKR QuickStart.


With our client-centric, agile consultancy and the highlights of Silicon Valley, we can create high-impact teams and next-level executive leadership. Get in touch with us at +613 9099 0776 and see what we can do to bring you closer to your goals.