There are several obstacles to establishing a cohesive organisation. These impediments hinder businesses from achieving their intended condition of affairs. Businesses use a variety of systems to ensure that all parts of their operations operate smoothly. Despite this, several typical stumbling obstacles may prevent you from making progress.

Let’s take a look at three fatal mistakes that may be preventing you from building an aligned organisation.
You’re Failing to Include Everyone in Recent Developments
When a business has an aligned organisation, all its divisions work together to achieve its objectives and goals. All departments must be included in the transformation process. Despite this, the approach often excludes whole teams. That is particularly true when the departments in question do not interact with customers. Areas like information technology and human resources are often overlooked.
When a business adopts a new strategy, human resources must recruit employees capable of supporting the company’s new direction. The information technology department will need to be aware of the company’s overall goal. They will be able to install the appropriate software and assist staff members with their technological requirements. Every division must be on board with this initiative. If you want to build a high-performing company, you can’t afford to exclude essential groups of people from the developments that are being made.
You’re Struggling between Culture and Strategy
The culture of a company is defined as the collection of beliefs that guide the conduct of its employees, while the vision and objectives are used to describe strategy. Culture, on the other hand, is made up of meaning and values. A culture’s emphasis on innovation and creativity may vary from one context to another. Employees that create new goods or concepts are rewarded for their efforts. Furthermore, they are not penalized if they do not exercise.
Another kind of corporate culture may be seen in businesses that are focused on maximizing efficiency. Instead of spending their time devising novel solutions, their workers may be required to concentrate on following orders and performing duties promptly. Neither culture is superior to the other. These companies, on the other hand, have a culture and strategy that are in harmony. The key to success is ensuring that strategy and culture are in sync with one another.
Several various approaches may be used by businesses to guarantee that their culture and strategy are in sync. Regular anonymous employee surveys, as well as the recruitment of qualified candidates, would be beneficial. They also need to ensure that individuals promoted into leadership roles are aware of the overall strategic direction. These new leaders must exemplify the culture to act as role models for the rest of the organisation.
You’re Micro Fixating on a Specific Objective Rather Than the Bigger Picture
Often, leaders choose a specific objective or area to concentrate on to create positive changes. However, it is critical to ensure that other business sectors do not suffer due to achieving that one targeted result. Sub optimisation is the term used to describe this. It means that a process or system is producing less output because it is inefficient.
An example of a specific objective is cutting down on customer service costs. In the process, management may choose to reduce the number of people answering their customer care phone line due to this decision. While it may save money, customers may grow dissatisfied with increasing wait times over time and choose to move their business elsewhere. Feeling overworked, customer service employees may begin leaving, further impacting revenue in a negative way. Before deciding on one aspect of the company, it’s critical to consider how that decision will affect the rest of the organisation.
Final Thoughts
Organisational structures become misaligned for a variety of causes throughout time. These are some common blunders to avoid while reorganising your company. Because there is so much precedence, changing structures may be complicated. However, if the company is to flourish, the new structure must complement the new plan.
If you are looking for ways to guide your ,organisational alignment and structure, you can always rely on us at SKILLFIRE. We can help you develop an innovative approach to growing your business. Contact us today!