No one likes being told what to do. Yet so often in business, that's exactly what we do. We talk to people in terms of what we’d like them to do. The problem is this drives a compliance mindset and a lack of ownership from the people who are taking on the work. There is a simple way around this that so many failed to use. It's called the problem

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It can be really hard to write great OKRs, but it really shouldn't be that hard. In fact, it should be easy! In this guide I'll share with you how to write clear and impactful OKR. I've even included a few examples to help the creative juices flow. That will help you write a great OKRs, but you'll want to make sure you avoid the number one mistake just about

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Why do so many businesses fail at embedding OKR?People in the business don’t like to collaborate and are too afraid to hold peers accountable.But this isn’t a problem with OKR itself. And it’s not a problem with the people! It’s a problem of culture. Most corporates simply do not encourage this type of activity. The art of making this happen is fundamentally about creating a psychologically safe environment where leaders

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The challenge with traditional goals? They’re quickly forgotten. We’ve all been there. Setting our annual goals only to quickly forget them in weeks or even months! The magic of OKR is keeping a close finger on the pulse.  If there were one OKR activity that really changes the game in the short term, it’s the weekly OKR check-in. Imagine you're swimming in the ocean and want to get back to

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A great OKR comes from a great OKR workshop.This ultimate guide covers everything you need to do before, during and after your OKR Workshop. I want to help you come up with an incredible OKR for your team and make your quarter insanely successful.What's an OKR Workshop and what's the purpose of running one?An OKR (Objectives and Key Results) workshop is a collaborative session where your team comes together to

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When it comes to the management of an organisation or a business, there are two very distinct features that need to be kept in mind when it comes down to the details. One is about maintaining a healthy business, the other is about growth.Summary:You run the business with KPI and you change the business with OKR. OKR is a popular goal setting framework used by the wold's leading tech firms,

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