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How Technology Really Contributes to Workplace Productivity

Updated: February 26, 2022

Managers love the word “productivity.” Companies are always looking for ways to make their workforces more productive—from team building activities to structured benefits, companies are always willing to try something new to boost sales teams’ numbers, help marketing attract new clients, achieve organisational objectives and key results, or just keep employees motivated.

One way companies can boost workplace productivity is through technology. However, it’s not enough to just adopt the latest gadgets into the office workflow, or purchase new software in the hopes that employees will find it more useful than what they are currently using. For technology to motivate employees, they must have a direct effect on how well they perform their duties. A company looking to upgrade their technology should answer the following questions:


What do you want to achieve?

Beyond surface-level reasons like getting more clients or having a more engaged workforce, you must consider why you think you need an initiative for productivity.

What is the core purpose? Do you want a higher revenue? Do you need to reduce operational costs? or would you like a smaller time difference between manufacturing and distribution?

If not these, maybe it’s that you want to encourage employees to be more productive, be more adaptive to changing circumstances, or to stay for more years at the company. Yet another reason could be that you want quantitative proof that your customers are satisfied with your product or service. These are varied goals and would need distinct types of technological support. Once you identify the reasons behind your desire for improved productivity, you will be closer to adapting the upgrades that your company truly needs.


Do you have obstacles hindering adaptation?

Inefficient planning, a slow company culture, prohibitive budgets, and antiquated workflows are all deterrents to productivity enabled by technology. You might have the most up-to-date software for your department, but if you have these types of hindrances, there may be little that can be done to speed up your production.

Technology does not just mean the gadgets and programs that you can purchase for teams. The origins of the word “technology” are two Greek root words that, when put together, mean “systematic treatment.”

Thus, technology also refers to the company’s internal processes. Aside from considering upgrades to the equipment, you should also look into updating your company’s managerial processes through needs analyses and leadership training in order to achieve the company’s objectives and key results.


How can it be adapted by regular employees?

Improvements in workplace technology must extend from the managerial level to the people responsible for the day-to-day groundwork. Teams will benefit from digital workplace strategies that develop interdisciplinary engagement. Aside from being a good way to foster teamwork across departments that would not normally interact, cross-disciplinary thinking unlocks creativity and can lead to unexpected breakthroughs. This will be effective if monitored through regular situation analyses and clear goal-setting.

Employees are also in the best position to identify technology needs. They will know which collaborative software works best in their context, and can make recommendations to their managers on how and why these can help.

A well-planned workplace fosters conversation, efficiency, and growth. It also reduces misunderstandings and bureaucratic roadblocks. Intranets and internal messaging apps, for example, can facilitate workplace communication over official channels. Distance collaboration may be achieved through video conferencing.



In summary, interactive, technology-based software upgrades help enterprises become more productive as they support organisational goals and objectives, helping employees become more collaborative and communicative.

For more insights on organisational alignment, consult with our team at SKILLFIRE today. We work with companies in Sydney and Melbourne and specialise in Leadership Uplift and Strategic Agility.

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