Quality leadership within an organisation is crucial. You can randomly put individuals in leadership positions, but that isn’t a guarantee that the leadership tactics will be effective.
One of the most effective leadership strategies today is the Enable Others to Act strategy.
Enable Others to Act focuses on the crucial parts of relationships within the team and emphasises on building trust. The “act” encourages everyone to work together to reach a common goal. For this reason, a leader must know how to bring out the best in each employee and the entire team.
Two Important Aspects of Enable Others to Act
The first aspect of Enable Others to Act is to develop trusting relationships. It means that leaders must focus on developing relationships with their team, which can be done by showing authenticity and genuine concern for every team member. In this case, leaders must take the initiative to develop relationships with every employee that they will be part of their team.
The second vital aspect of Enable Others to Act is to encourage every employee in the workplace to build others up. It involves every team member to participate through the use of the proper tools and resources to establish confidence and competence with each other.
Why It Works
Enable Others to Act works because employees are typically put under stress when their boss is present. Additionally, employees are more focused and comfortable when they are in control of their work. Therefore, with Enable Others to Act, promote a leadership behaviour that is in line with how the brain works when it comes to relationships.
You also have to keep in mind that it will only work when some conditions are met. Employees must have a clear understanding of expectations, and they should have the knowledge and skills to meet those expectations. Employees must also know the right time to call their leader to help them navigate any roadblocks or provide resources.
How to Enable Others to Act
Here are several ways to enable others to act:
Get to know your team members
When we say, get to know them, this means to really get to know them on a deeper level. Don’t settle on small talks — make an effort to learn about each employee. The more you know about them, the easier it will be for you to connect with them on a personal level to enable proactiveness.
Set trust
As a leader, you are the first person who should model trust. Set the standard for what collaborative relationships should look like.
Understand employees’ strengths
Every employee has their own set of strengths, and you must know these strengths as a leader. Of course, it will take some time before you identify each employee’s strengths, which is why you need to focus on this task. Knowing their strengths will allow you to fully utilise them to help reach success and grow exponentially as a team or business.
Ask employees to collaborate
To come up with the best ideas, you need all hands on deck. For this reason, you need to set a welcoming environment that is open for employees to air their ideas out comfortably.
If you want to be a great leader, you need to know how to Enable Others to Act. So, if you’re thinking of ways to improve your leadership, give this route a try and see its benefits.
If you’re looking to learn more about Enabling Leadership in Melbourne and Sydney, get in touch with us to see how we can help.