Strategy to action at BAE with OKR

This page includes a series of resources to get you started with OKR. 

OKR Introduction

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Quantive videos

Quantive is the OKR tool we'll be using to capture and track out OKRs. Here's some quick videos to get you started.

  1. Creating an OKR and Session - Quantive Walkthrough
  2. Updating your OKR - Quantive Walkthrough
  3. Deleting an Objective or Key Results - Quantive Walkthrough 
  4. Closing Key Results and Objective - Quantive Walkthrough 
  5. Using Whiteboards - OKR Setting - Quantive Walkthrough

Useful resources

OKR Writing Cheat Sheet

OKR Writing template

Unlimited access to OKR Quickstart Business School (incl OKR Facilitation Training)

You can access our premium training here if you'd like even more content:

Getting help

  1. Drop in sessions are available to get help, see the times and register here:
  2. Grab some time with Peter and Tim by reaching out to Beatriz (