A great team at work inspires change and transformation. It motivates you to go to the office every morning, without the dreaded Monday blues. Your team members charge you with productive energy that keeps you pumped throughout the day and every project that comes your way, no matter how difficult the client, is merely a challenge worth taking.
Accomplishing objectives and key results that were seemingly impossible becomes easier, and with a good sense of belonging, anything that comes your way is made easier.
While the idea of forming a great team is difficult to achieve, it’s not an impossible task. To create a team that inspires and thrives on productivity and collaboration, here is a step-by-step guide to follow.
Step 1: Become an inspiring leader
In high-performance teams, the members are often inspired and motivated. This is because these teams don’t only push themselves into work, but have an inspiring environment that makes the other members feel that their contributions are important. If you can inspire yourself and others to do better, the whole team will perform better.
Step 2: Resolve conflicts directly and create a cooperative environment
In groups, conflict is almost inevitable. With different minds working simultaneously and clashing with each other, you must know how to facilitate conflict resolution. Resolving members’ conflicts as soon as they arise can prevent the team from falling apart or not cooperating as well as planned.
You should focus on creating an environment in which people address their conflicts and still cooperate with each other. They should feel that their opinions are heard, that they are trusted, and that they are welcome to work out differences in the team. Through increased cooperation, teams can achieve much more.
Step 3: Create valuable stretch goals
Stretch goals are goals that are set in case the team exceeds the expected goal. Stretch goals are often difficult to reach, but you must know how to set a stretch goal that drives other members to achieve it. The stretch goal should motivate the members to do something exceptional and momentous.
A high-performance team must have a stretch goal in mind that drives its members to do their best and go beyond the first goal. Should this stretch goal be reached, the members will see that their cooperation and individual capabilities let them reach a difficult goal, effectively increasing their satisfaction and engagement with their work.
Step 4: Communicate your objectives as much as possible
High-performance teams are goal-oriented and concentrated on the group’s objectives, so it’s vital for you to help the members stay on track. Communicate your vision clearly and help other members see value in the tasks and goals at hand. Members can lose focus on the end goal, so it’s vital to keep them updated and focused on the right direction.
Step 5: Maintain the team’s trust
To get the team to actually listen to you, the team should trust and respect you. Keeping their trust will ensure that you can inspire, increase cooperation, and make valuable goals. To keep the team’s trust, it’s crucial that you build a positive relationship with your team, utilize your capabilities well, and stay consistent. Practice what you preach and consistently perform well, and you can expect others to do the same. A team that trusts you will follow your ways.
The Bottom Line
Working is never easy—as human beings, we’d rather be enjoying ourselves than slaving away doing work, so why waste your time working with and worrying about a team that doesn’t deliver?
Life becomes harder and work becomes a dreadful thing to experience—pretty soon, that very team will seep its way into your life. Avoid unnecessary stress and develop high-performance teamwork will be better, and life will be at its best.
Looking to develop strategic agility and teamwork in Melbourne or Sydney? SKILLFIRE focuses on helping businesses become the best they can be. By uplifting leadership and aligning other work processes, we help teams transform and become their best.
Discovery productivity and grow your business—reach out to us today!