In this ultimate guide, I'll cover everything your need to implement OKR the right way in 7 simple steps. Nailing your OKR Implementation will help you unlock growth sooner and have your team embrace it. Mess it up and they will be frustrated and disengaged. First, let's understand why OKR Implementations fail.Why do OKR Implementations often fail?It's pretty simple....Too often, teams don't buy into OKRs. They don't see the benefits, they

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Full warning, this article is going to be pretty polarizing. It outlines what it takes to be a successful business and the hallmarks of a failing business. It highlights the people who drive the biggest impact and those that are dead weight holding the business back.Here's my underlying argument: Your work doesn’t matter…I hate thinking about it this way. I bet you’re not comfortable with that statement either. But it

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This guide is your comprehensive walkthrough on adding and aligning your OKRs within Quantive. We'll navigate through the why and the how, ensuring that by the end, you're not just equipped with OKRs but are poised to make them the driving force behind your SaaS venture's success story.Video walkthroughThe video below steps you through the process of adding and alining your OKR. If you'd like to know how to set

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Running a SaaS company? It's exciting but tough. Two big concerns are usually on a founder's mind...How to bring in new businessHow to increase the value of existing customers. These are the two BIGGEST strategic problems you need to solve. Fail to solve them and your business will not make it. The way you do this is by solving customer problems while remaining operationally fit. Here's where OKR comes in...OKR is

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No one likes being told what to do. Yet so often in business, that's exactly what we do. We talk to people in terms of what we’d like them to do. The problem is this drives a compliance mindset and a lack of ownership from the people who are taking on the work. There is a simple way around this that so many failed to use. It's called the problem

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Having worked with many clients across multiple industries, one of the big things I see teams struggle with is how best to slice stories. Effectively sliced stories improve story flow, increase value delivered, reduce rework, remove the assumed scope, and increase predictability. Many of these benefits come from the team collaboratively working together on customer-focused stories which deliver tangible business value.Getting this right is tough, with teams often splitting stories